06 May 2015—23 May 2015
Lapping the horizon an edge reached falling from a skyscraper never built building a body from dust like extracting coins from blood flowing through metal moving money seeing the Earth in a second and stoning the sea dead even though ‘water finds its own level’ and water never breaks and the breaks never work (the city never sleeps).
Slipping, suspending, shattering, if all forms of fixation are metaphors, like a liquid dissolved in itself, then drawing borderless circles between points and lines, these circles, circuits, circulations of thought will be embodied in actions, performances, posters and sculptures across the Melbourne CBD.
Please see flyers on the desk for more details, and with contributions from Ellen Fairbairn, Beth Caird, Emily Castle and Olivia Koh.

This exhibition has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.