Can’t quite pin it down
06 Mar 2013—24 Mar 2013
In Can’t quite pin it down Mia Kenway, Fayen d’Evie, Heidi Kozar, Suzie Idiens, Renee Jaeger and Fiona Morgan each look at the various modes of abstraction that occur in art. Can’t quite pin it down brings together a group, whom while focussing on abstraction are each working with contrasting stylistic approaches and modes of production allowing for a varied experience of abstraction in it’s current form. This exhibition will occupy both spaces in TCB. There will be a performative aspect to the opening night in the form of a reading from the text that accompanies Fayen d’Evie’s work titled ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP REPAIRS/ I asked her if she had a favourite perfume and she replied “Chances, by Chanel.” Suzie Idiens is a Sydney-based emerging artist. Profoundly influenced by light and space, her art practice is a reductive process of simplifying form and restricting the use of colour in order to convey and evoke an emotive experience. Underpinned by formal concerns of colour, form, finish and spatial composition, the overarching theme is to draw attention to the subjective nature of perception and to encourage an intuitive response from the viewer. Through the use of industrial materials and finishes, she creates abstract geometric objects with a minimalist aesthetic that bridge conventional notions of painting and sculpture. Idiens refers to these wall—mounted objects simply as ‘panels’.
Mia Kenway’s work is generally a mixture of delicate, coloured pencil drawings and abstract sculptures. Found images of patterns in nature and urban environments are often used throughout her work. With a pastel pallet, images are softly blurred to create a slightly abstracted version of reality.
Heidi Kozar is motivated by her interest in materiality and object-ness. With a background in printmaking, she is currently making sculptural works from paper, ink and wood that refer to the image object. Heidi completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne University in 2011.
Fayen d’Evie investigates painting and writing as interdependent methods for critical, imaginative and poetic enquiry.
Renee Jaeger‘s work centres around drawing. She creates installations which form relationships between objects textures, video and static images. Everyday items collide with repeated motifs of teenage subculture, giving the viewer a sense of abstracted familiarity.
Fiona Morgan’s work focuses on wall based works, paintings and installation. With a particular attention to hard edge abstraction, bold colour and form. Drawing from her immediate environment and/or current experiences as the catalyst for production, she is using the cultural imagery of contemporary life to inform her work.

Documentation by Catherine Evans