24 Oct 2012—08 Dec 2012
TCB art. Inc, Naarm/ Melbourne, Australia 24.10.2012 – 10.11.2012
Andrew Beck, Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Molly Samsell, Kate Woods (NZ) | COBRA & Hikaru Miyakawa (Japan)
XYZ Collective, Tokyo, Japan5.10.2012 – 21.10.2012
Greatest Hits, Liang Luscombe & Noriko Nakamura (AUS) | Andrew Beck, Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Molly Samsell, Kate Woods (NZ)
2-30-20 Tsurumaki Setagaya, Tokyo Japan 154-0016
Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Te Aro, Aotearoa (NZ)14.11.2012 – 8.12.2012
Charles O’Loughlin, Taree MacKenzie, Lisa Radford & Ry Haskings (AUS) | COBRA & Yuko Kamei (Japan)
Level 1/147 Cuba Street, Te Aro, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington 6011
The three shows across NZ, Japan and Australia expand the existing relationships between the galleries through cross-cultural exchange and open dialogues. The unfolding structure of the three exhibitions echoes the manner in which things happen at each of these independent gallery spaces, where informal, unprompted ideas are encouraged and acted upon through collective energy and enthusiasm. What has resulted by way of these fertile conversations is a series of consecutive exhibitions across the three spaces, where artists intimately involved with Enjoy Gallery, XYZ Collective and TCB will exhibit in each other’s cities. They’re crossing continents to hop in and out of bed with one another … and staging an international ménage à trois.
Established in June 2000, Enjoy Public Art Gallery is a non-profit, artist-run initiative based in Wellington, New Zealand. During its twelve years of existence, the gallery has been run by committed and professional art practitioners. Enjoy creates a dynamic space for the visual arts in Wellington by means of an experimental programme that pushes the boundaries of contemporary art practice.
XYZ collective is an artist-run space based in Tokyo, Japan. Following a visit to Melbourne as part of Asialink’s Artist In Residence programme at Gertrude Contemporary in 2010, COBRA was inspired by Melbourne’s ARI scene to create an independent gallery space in his native Tokyo. XYZ Collective consists of a studio space for early to mid-career artists and an alternative exhibition space, and is open to exhibitions by both Japanese and international artists.
Thanks to Creative New Zealand, Asia:NZ Foundation, The New Zealand-Japan Exchange Programme (NZJEP), Wellington City Council, Arts Victoria, State Government of Victoria, Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Radio Active and Beck’s Beer.
AUS documentation by Kate Meakin
Japan documentation by Keizo Kioku
Aotearoa (NZ) documentation by Lance Cash