Hairdryer work
05 Oct 2016—22 Oct 2016
A new live feed work that explores colour mixing with light. Set against a red, green and blue backdrop, three black ping pong balls float atop the airstream of three hairdryers. This action is fed live to three projectors which combine to create a choreography of coloured balls wavering and intersecting upon the screen.
Taree Mackenzie (b. Melbourne 1980) completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting) at the Victorian College of the Arts in 2008. Mackenzie’s practice explores the perceptual effects of colour, light and space through video and installation live feeds. Recent exhibitions include Set in Motion, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand; Dancing Umbrellas, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne; Kaleidorama, Stills Gallery, Sydney; NEW14, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne and Line Shadows, Studio 12 at Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne.

Documentation by Christo Crocker
This project has been supported by The Australian Artists’ Grant, a NAVA initiative, made possible through the generous sponsorship of Mrs Janet Holmes à Court and the support of the Visual Arts Board, Australia Council for the Arts.